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lightshowPi / Repository Fork how-to

How-to fork the respository and submit pull requests

Step 1. Clone the main project

git clone
cd lightshowpi

Step 2. Create a fork of the main repository

Go to the main project page and click on 'fork'.


Name your fork to whatever you like and select Permissions Inherit repository user/group permissions. Issue tracking and wiki are optional.


Step 3. Now that you have your own forked repo you can clone it to your local sytem

git clone <your new fork uri>

That is it, now you have a local copy of your own fork. You can commit changes to this repo and the submit a pull request by issuing the follow post commit.

git push

Once done your changes in your local repo are pushed to the master repo at bitbucket, from there you can fill out the pull request and select who is to review and approve the request.
